Fiscal year ending May 2023 |
Listed company name |
Listed exchange |
Code number |
Representative |
(Title) |
(family name) |
Contact person |
(Title) |
(family name) |
Scheduled quarterly report submission date |
Scheduled payment start date |
- |
Whether or not supplementary explanatory materials for quarterly financial results have been created: |
Whether or not a quarterly Financial results announcement is held: |
1. Consolidated financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending May 2023 (May 16, 2022 to February 15, 2023)
(1) Consolidated business results (cumulative) |
(% Display is the rate of increase / decrease from the same quarter of the previous year) |
amount of sales |
Operating income |
Ordinary profit |
Attribution to the shareholders of the parent company Quarterly net income |
One million yen |
% |
One million yen |
% |
One million yen |
% |
One million yen |
% |
Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending May 2023 |
Third quarter of the fiscal year ending May 2022 |
△ |
△ |
△ |
(Note) Comprehensive income |
Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending May 2023 |
One million yen |
( |
Third quarter of the fiscal year ending May 2022 |
One million yen |
(△ |
Per share Quarterly net income |
After adjusting for potential stock Per share Quarterly net income |
Yen |
Yen |
Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending May 2023 |
Third quarter of the fiscal year ending May 2022 |
(2) Consolidated financial position
Total assets |
Net worth |
Capital adequacy ratio |
Net assets per share |
One million yen |
One million yen |
% |
Yen |
Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending May 2023 |
May 2022 |
(Reference) Equity |
Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending May 2023 |
One million yen |
May 2022 |
One million yen |
2. 2. Dividend status
Annual dividend |
End of first quarter |
End of second quarter |
End of third quarter |
Term end |
total |
Yen |
Yen |
Yen |
Yen |
Yen |
May 2022 |
Fiscal year ending May 2023 |
Fiscal Year Ending May 2023 (Forecast) |
(Note) Whether or not there is any revision from the recently announced dividend forecast:
(% Display is the rate of increase / decrease from the previous period) |
amount of sales |
Operating income |
Ordinary profit |
Attribution to parent company shareholders Net income |
Per share Net income |
One million yen |
% |
One million yen |
% |
One million yen |
% |
One million yen |
% |
Yen |
Full year |
(Note) Whether or not there is any revision from the latest announced business forecast:
* Notes
(1) Changes in significant subsidiaries during the current quarterly consolidated cumulative period (changes in specified subsidiaries due to changes in the scope of consolidation):
(2) Application of accounting treatment specific to the preparation of quarterly consolidated financial statements:
(3) Changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates, and restatements of revisions
① Changes in accounting policies due to revisions to accounting standards, etc .:
(2) Changes in accounting policies other than (1):
③ Change of accounting estimate
④ Correction redisplay
(4) Number of issued shares (common stock)
① Number of issued shares at the end of the period (including treasury stock) |
3Q of May 2023 |
stock |
May 2022 |
stock |
② Number of treasury stock at the end of the period |
3Q of May 2023 |
stock |
May 2022 |
stock |
③ Average number of shares during the period (cumulative quarterly) |
3Q of May 2023 |
stock |
3Q for the fiscal year ending May 2022 |
stock |
* Quarterly financial statements are not subject to quarterly reviews by certified accountants or audit corporations.
* Explanation of proper use of business forecasts and other special notes
1. Qualitative Information on Quarterly Financial Results …………………………………………………………………………………… |
2 |
(1) Explanation of operating results ……………………………………………………………………… |
2 |
(2) Explanation of financial position …………………………………………………………………………………………… |
2 |
(3) Explanation of future forecast information such as consolidated earnings forecasts ……………………………………………………………… |
2 |
2. Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements and Major Notes …………………………………………………………………………………… |
3 |
(1) Quarterly Consolidated Balance Sheet ……………………………………………………………………………………… |
3 |
(2) Quarterly Consolidated Statements of Income and Quarterly Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income |
5 |
Quarterly Consolidated Income Statement |
3rd Quarter Consolidated Cumulative Period ……………………………………………………………………………………… |
5 |
Quarterly Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income |
3rd Quarter Consolidated Cumulative Period ……………………………………………………………………………………… |
6 |
(3) Notes to Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements …………………………………………………………………… |
7 |
(Note regarding going concern assumption) ……………………………………………………………………………………… |
7 |
(Note when there is a significant change in the amount of shareholders' equity) ………………………………………………………… |
7 |
(Application of special accounting treatment to the preparation of quarterly consolidated financial statements) |
7 |
(1) Explanation of operating results
In the third quarter of the current consolidated cumulative period (May 16, 2022 to February 15, 2023), the economic situation is in a recovery trend despite the 7th and 8th waves of the spread of the new coronavirus infection. However, the economy showed signs of a gradual recovery. However, due to fluctuations in resource prices and exchange rates, prices for electricity and daily necessities continue to rise, making it difficult to expect an improvement in consumer sentiment for the time being. In the drugstore industry, competitors continued to expand their store openings, and although there was a temporary boost to COVID-19-related products, the business environment surrounding the Company remained severe.
Under these circumstances, the Group aims to achieve the goals of the new medium-term management plan. The store strategy is to improve the accuracy of store openings and promote renovations. We have worked to increase the sales composition ratio, and in the DX strategy, we have been working on sales promotion utilization of customer data, development of our own payment service, and IT system development. In addition, we have worked to improve profitability and reduce selling, general and administrative expenses by establishing a performance management system.
With regard to store development, we worked to further strengthen our dominance in existing areas and proceeded with the renovation and closure of unprofitable stores in order to strengthen competitiveness. Since the beginning of the fiscal year, we have opened 111 new stores, acquired the business of one store, and closed 63 stores. . As a result, the number of group stores as of the end of the third quarter was 2,571 directly managed stores.
The status of store openings and closures of the Group is as follows (unit: store)
End of the previous fiscal year Number of stores |
branch store |
Subsidiary etc |
closed |
Net increase |
End of the 3rd quarter Number of stores |
home Dispensing pharmacy |
Hokkaido |
422 |
15 |
- |
14 |
1 |
423 |
117 |
East and North |
570 |
32 |
1 |
14 |
19 |
589 |
135 |
Kanto Koshinetsu |
520 |
16 |
- |
12 |
4 |
524 |
211 |
Chubu / Kansai |
247 |
13 |
- |
5 |
8 |
255 |
145 |
China |
326 |
17 |
- |
2 |
15 |
341 |
118 |
Shikoku |
220 |
8 |
- |
1 |
7 |
227 |
66 |
Kyushu / Okinawa |
217 |
10 |
- |
15 |
△5 |
212 |
34 |
Domestic store total |
2,522 |
111 |
1 |
63 |
49 |
2,571 |
826 |
In addition to the above, we have 17 overseas stores and 7 franchise stores.
As a result, the performance for the third quarter of the current consolidated cumulative period was 731,436 million yen in sales (up 5.7% year-on-year), 37,719 million yen in operating income (up 10.8% year-on-year), and 378 million yen in ordinary income. 49 million yen (up 11.6% year on year), and profit attributable to owners of parent of 21,712 million yen (up 14.9% year on year).
(2) Explanation of financial position
Total assets as of the end of the current third quarter consolidated accounting period decreased by 34,755 million yen from the end of the previous consolidated fiscal year to 527,608 million yen. This was mainly due to a decrease in cash and deposits and accounts receivable due to the fact that the end of the previous consolidated fiscal year was a holiday for financial institutions.
Total liabilities decreased by 51,170 million yen from the end of the previous consolidated fiscal year to 227,146 million yen. The main factors are
This was due to a decrease in accounts payable due to the impact of the financial institution holidays at the end of the previous consolidated fiscal year.
Total net assets increased ¥16,415 million from the end of the previous fiscal year to ¥300,461 million.
As a result of the above, the equity ratio increased by 5.9 percentage points to 51.8%.
(3) Explanation of future forecast information such as consolidated earnings forecasts
There is no change to the full-year earnings forecast announced on June 21, 2022.
(Unit: million yen) |
Previous consolidated fiscal year (May 15, 2022) |
Current third quarter consolidated accounting period (February 15, 2023) |
Assets |
current assets |
Cash and deposits |
accounts receivable |
Product |
Raw materials and supplies |
Short-term loans receivable |
others |
Total current assets |
Fixed asset |
Tangible fixed assets |
Buildings and structures (net) |
Mechanical equipment and carriers (net amount) |
Tools, utensils and equipment (net) |
land |
Lease assets (net amount) |
Construction in progress |
Total property, plant and equipment |
Intangible fixed assets |
Goodwill |
Software |
Telephone subscription right |
others |
Total intangible assets |
Investments and other assets |
Investment securities |
Long-term loan |
Deferred tax asset |
Deposit deposit |
others |
Allowance for doubtful accounts |
△ |
△ |
Total investment and other assets |
Total fixed assets |
Total assets |
(Unit: million yen) |
Previous consolidated fiscal year (May 15, 2022) |
Current third quarter consolidated accounting period (February 15, 2023) |
Debt section |
Current Liabilities |
Accounts payable |
Long-term borrowing scheduled to be repaid within one year |
Accounts payable |
Lease debt |
Income taxes payable, etc. |
Contract liability |
Bonus reserve |
Reserve for directors' bonuses |
Point reserve |
others |
Total current liabilities |
Fixed liabilities |
Long-term borrowing |
Lease debt |
Deferred tax liability |
Retirement Benefit Revenue |
Asset retirement obligations |
others |
Total fixed liabilities |
Total debt |
Of Net Assets |
Shareholders' equity |
Capital |
Capital surplus |
an earned surplus |
Treasury stock |
△ |
△ |
Total shareholders' equity |
Accumulated other comprehensive income |
Valuation difference on other securities |
Accumulated adjustment for retirement benefits |
△ |
△ |
Total other comprehensive income |
Stock acquisition right |
Non-controlling interests |
Total net assets |
Total liabilities and net assets |
(Unit: million yen) |
Previous 3rd quarter consolidated cumulative period (Own May 16, 2021 To February 15, 2022) |
Consolidated cumulative period for the third quarter (From May 16, 2022 To February 15, 2023) |
amount of sales |
Cost of sales |
Gross profit |
Selling, general and administrative expenses |
Operating income |
Non-operating income |
Interest income |
Dividend income |
Equipment donations |
Rent received |
Compensation received |
Insurance money received |
others |
Total non-operating income |
Non-operating expenses |
Interest expense |
Premature cancellation penalty |
Closed store related expenses |
others |
Total non-operating expenses |
Ordinary profit |
Extraordinary benefit |
Gain on sales of fixed assets |
Gain on reversal of stock acquisition rights |
Subsidy income |
others |
Total extraordinary profit |
Extraordinary loss |
Loss on retirement of fixed assets |
Loss on sale of fixed assets |
Impairment loss |
Loss due to disaster |
Total extraordinary loss |
Income before tax adjustment |
Income Taxes |
Quarterly net income |
Quarterly net income attributable to non-controlling interests |
Quarterly net income attributable to owners of the parent company |
(Unit: million yen) |
Previous 3rd quarter consolidated cumulative period (Own May 16, 2021 To February 15, 2022) |
Consolidated cumulative period for the third quarter (From May 16, 2022 To February 15, 2023) |
Quarterly net income |
Other comprehensive income |
Valuation difference on other securities |
△ |
Adjustment amount for retirement benefits |
Total other comprehensive income |
△ |
Quarterly comprehensive income |
(breakdown) |
Quarterly comprehensive income for parent company shareholders |
Quarterly comprehensive income for non-controlling interests |
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
(Calculation of tax costs)
For tax expenses, the effective tax rate after tax effect accounting is applied to the pre-tax net income for the consolidated fiscal year including the third quarter consolidated fiscal year is reasonably estimated, and the pre-tax net income is multiplied by the estimated effective tax rate. We are calculating.
However, if the calculation of tax costs using the estimated effective tax rate results in a significantly unreasonable result, the statutory effective tax rate is used.
The amount of corporate tax adjustment is included in the corporate tax.