1. About collection of personal information
- When acquiring personal information, our company will do so by appropriate means. Furthermore, if we intend to obtain personal information and receive it directly from the person in writing or via the web, we will clearly state the purpose of use of the personal information. However, if the purpose of use is clear from the circumstances at the time of provision, we may omit specifying the purpose of use.
- Our company will use personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use listed in "2. Purpose of use of personal information."
- When our company acquires personal information due to business succession due to merger, spin-off, business transfer, etc., when we have obtained the consent of the individual before the succession, or to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use notified or announced. Use it inside.
- In cases where it falls under "based on laws and regulations," "protection of human life, body, or property," or "cooperation with national institutions, etc.," the use may be made without prior consent, even if it is outside the scope of the above purpose of use. We may collect and use personal information.
2. Purpose of use of personal information
We will use your personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes, unless you have given us your consent or unless otherwise provided by law.
[Purpose of use of personal information related to drugstore business, dispensing pharmacy business, and dispensing support business]
- To carry out dispensing in compliance with laws such as the Pharmaceutical Machinery Act, Pharmacists Act, and Insurance Medical Treatment Regulations, and to provide pharmaceutical information to ensure safety when taking medicines.
- For responding to nursing care consultation services, etc.
- To respond to insurance claims, etc.
- To respond to surveys, inquiries, etc.
- To confirm applications for special events, seminars/events, etc., and to deliver admission tickets, numbered tickets, etc.
- To confirm applications for message delivery services, etc., and to deliver messages.
- To confirm registration for point services and other membership services and provide services.
- To improve and improve services such as in-store promotions, advertisements, products/services, websites, etc. so that customers will be more satisfied with the content.
- To customize the content of products/services, websites, advertisements, etc. to suit individual users.
- To perform various analyzes based on statistical data obtained from customers' purchase history information, coupon usage history information, etc., or to publish them.
- To analyze customer usage status and use it to improve services and develop new services.
- To deliver information related to products and services
- To provide information on various membership services and other services
- To deliver purchased products
- To send rewards, etc. for responses to surveys, etc. for which you have cooperated.
- To send prizes, etc. for sweepstakes, etc. that you have applied for
- To request cooperation in surveys, participation in special events, seminars/events, and report the results.
- To provide your personal information to third parties such as advertising distribution companies, data analysis companies, business partners, etc. ・Our company uses your personal information obtained from third parties such as advertising distribution companies, marketing companies, DMP companies, etc. To use it for the purposes described in this item by linking it with the customer's personal information already held by
Please note that the personal information acquired may include the following items:
- Information using cookie data and cookie-like technology
- advertising identifier
- Identifier on the web
- The URL of the target site viewed by the customer and the time the customer viewed the target site
- Information related to the device and browser information used by the customer when viewing the target site (including IP address, OS and browser type)
- Information such as browsing history, search history and purchase history on websites and mobile applications, as well as information such as attribute information and preferences, linked to various identifiers such as cookie IDs and advertising identifiers.
- To provide various benefits such as points based on the usage status of the Tsuruha Group official app (hereinafter referred to as “this app”)
- To send information to specified terminals when distributing coupons and notification information in this application
- To deliver targeted coupons and notifications based on point usage status, gender, place of residence, usage history information, etc.
- To improve this application and analyze usage status
- To register for membership services such as point services of this application
- For security camera photography and recording for crime prevention purposes.
- If the purpose of use is specified separately other than the above, to achieve that purpose of use.
- For use based on other legitimate reasons such as laws and regulations.
[Purpose of use of personal information related to recruitment/employment]
- To contact and manage recruitment selection activities (information sessions, written tests, interviews, etc.)
- To contact you regarding the success or failure of recruitment screening
- To create various statistical materials and media such as recruitment and employment information
- To carry out procedures for concluding employment contracts between job applicants and our company.
- To confirm and provide information on applications for recruitment events/seminars.
- To request cooperation in recruitment surveys and report survey results, etc.
- To respond to inquiries regarding recruitment, etc.
- For various measures incidental to the above matters.
3. Management of personal information
In order to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, we will take appropriate safety management measures in accordance with laws, guidelines, and our internal rules, and strive to protect the personal information we hold. In addition, we will educate our employees on the appropriate handling of personal information, and strive to ensure its protection.
Regarding personal information handled by our company, when outsourcing the handling to a third party, jointly using it with a partner company, or providing it to a third party such as a business partner, we will meet internal selection criteria. In addition to selecting outsourcees/cooperators/partners, we require them to fulfill their obligations to appropriately handle personal information through contracts, etc., and prevent leaks from outsourcees/cooperators/partners, including through appropriate guidance and supervision. I will strive to.
4. Regarding provision of personal information to third parties
- In order to protect your personal information, we will appropriately manage your personal information and obtain your consent except in the cases described in (2) of this article or in any of the following cases. We will not disclose or provide it to any third party.
- When required by law
- When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
- When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy upbringing of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
- In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with a national organization, local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, obtaining the consent of the person concerned may interfere with the execution of the affairs. When there is a risk of
- When our company provides personal data in conjunction with entrusting all or part of the handling of personal data to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
- When personal data is provided due to business succession due to merger or other reasons
- In the case of joint use stipulated in Article (3)
- Other cases permitted by laws and regulations
- Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the customer agrees to this privacy policy, the Company will not provide the customer's personal data to third parties such as the Company's advertising distribution companies, data analysis companies, business contractors, and business partners. We may provide. In this case, the third party will analyze the personal data, create statistical information on the personal data, verify advertising placement and sales promotion effects, implement and consider marketing measures, and assist manufacturers, other advertising distributors, It may be used for the purpose of providing analytical data, statistical data, etc. to external companies such as data analysis companies, and for the purpose of developing and improving services of other third parties.
- In order to meet the needs of our customers around the world, we will share your personal information with the following joint users:
- Items of personal data used jointly
Address, name, phone number, product purchase history, email address
- Scope of joint users
Our group listed below
- All purposes of use of jointly used personal data
The scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use listed in "2. Purpose of use of personal information"
- Name of the person responsible for the management of personal data
Tsuruha Holdings Co., Ltd.
5. Regarding provision of anonymously processed information on product purchase history data to third parties
Our company uses purchase data to identify specific individuals (customers) in order to improve the services we provide, develop new services, and revitalize the market based on analysis of customer product purchase history data (hereinafter referred to as "purchase data"). After processing the information into a form that makes it impossible to identify the individual (individual), the information is processed to a third party such as a manufacturer, advertising agency, advertising distribution company, advertising media provider, data analysis company, outsourcing company, business partner, etc. (This processed information is hereinafter referred to as "anonymously processed information," and its definition is in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information.")
- Items of personal information included in the anonymously processed information created
Membership number, age, gender, address, purchase history
- Processing method for anonymously processed information Membership number (hashed), date of birth (converted to age. However, if over 80 years old, converted to 80s), gender (not processed), prefecture (city/ward/town/village and below deleted), Purchase history (unedited. However, unusual purchase history will be deleted)
- Items of personal information included in anonymously processed information provided to third parties
Membership number (processed), age (processed), gender (processed), address (processed), purchase history (processed) (unprocessed. However, unusual purchase history will be deleted)
- How to provide anonymously processed information
Upload to the provider's server
6. Notification, disclosure/correction, etc. of retained personal data, suspension of use, etc.
Our company has established a "consultation desk regarding personal information" and will promptly respond to inquiries regarding the disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of personal information received from customers to a reasonable extent.
The following documents are required for the disclosure procedure.
- Personal information disclosure request form (forms are available at the consultation desk)
- An official document that can confirm that you are the person or your agent (driver’s license, etc.)
You will be required to pay separately determined costs for disclosing information. Please check with the consultation desk for details.
7. Regarding inquiries regarding personal information
Our company has established a "consultation desk regarding personal information" and will promptly respond to inquiries received from customers regarding the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of their personal information to a reasonable extent.
[Tsuruha Holdings Co., Ltd. Personal Information Consultation Desk]
Phone number: 011-783-2754 Reception hours: 9:00-17:00 (excluding Saturdays and Sundays)
[Name of the “certified personal information protection organization” for which our company is a target business and the contact for complaint resolution]
Name of certified personal information protection organization: Japan Information Economy and Society Promotion Association
Where to request complaint resolution: Personal Information Protection Complaint Consultation Office
<Address> Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
<Telephone number> 0120-116-213 0120-700-779